Mrs R, one of Trinity Homecare’s visiting care clients, was admitted to hospital just days before her 101st birthday.
Trinity Homecare and Mrs R’s family wanted to see if there was any way that they could arrange for her to be cared for at home or moved into respite care so she wouldn’t be in hospital for her birthday.
However, before they could arrange this, Mrs R had tested positive for Covid so had to remain in hospital and in complete isolation. Mrs R’s family live an 8 hour round trip away so it would have been very difficult for them to make the trip and then only one of them could visit for just 30 minutes.
Trinity Homecare’s Visiting Care Registered Manager, Barbara, couldn’t hear of Mrs R receiving no visitors on the day of her momentous birthday! Barbara telephoned the family to see if they would be happy for her to visit Mrs R in hospital to help her celebrate her special day.
No flowers were allowed in the isolation unit, so Barbara bought a big box of chocolates along with a card and managed to organise a face time call with her family. Mrs R was so pleased to see a friendly face and appreciated the box of chocolates. Mrs R had no TV or radio and was just sitting in a chair in isolation. Barbara spoke to the nurses and managed to organise a radio for her to borrow so she would have something to keep her distracted during isolation.
Barbara, Registered Manager of Trinity Homecare’s Visiting Care, said:
“The team and I are always on hand to answer any queries from the family, share concerns or simply just to check in with. We understand it can be difficult especially if close family live a distance away. We couldn’t have Mrs R spend her birthday without a friendly face whom she knows and no cards or gifts. It was great to be able to help Mrs R see her family even though it was via FaceTime.”
After a short period in hospital Mrs R returned to the comfort of her home and is continuing to receive three visits a day from her regular visiting TrinityCarer.
*Names have been changed to protect the client identity.