As we approach the end of the year 2020, it is fair to say that this year has been a challenging one for all – particularly for the Health and Social Care Sector. COVID-19 has put a strain on the NHS, with key workers and carers around the UK working tirelessly to keep everyone safe.
This year, we saw empty shelves in our supermarkets, mass orders of PPE, and vulnerable people isolating themselves from society as infection rates increased. 2020 has been the year in which we are all able to recognise what we truly value such as time with our loved ones, personal interaction, freedom to enjoy our usual hobbies, and our beloved National Health Service.
Whilst the COVID-19 Pandemic isn’t over just yet, the past few months have given us some hope. With a roll-out of vaccinations, which are becoming more widely available through the NHS, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There are also many positives that can be taken from this year, particularly for Trinity Homecare. Take a look at some of our best highlights this year.
Homecare receiving the recognition it deserves
Throughout the years, there has been a huge focus on care homes and residential care settings. More often than not, home care isn’t a care option that people consider due to an unfamiliarity with the service. During COVID-19, Trinity Homecare worked closely alongside the UK Home Care Association (UKHCA) in raising awareness of home care. With great success, Trinity Homecare was able to discuss key topics with news platforms such as the BBC, Radio 4 and Radio Jackie. During these interviews, topics regarding PPE, funding, and recognition were discussed. You can find these clips below:
Having our voice heard lifted our spirits and boosted team morale. With the support of our local community, we felt our efforts were recognised, not just as an industry, but as a home care provider.
Trinity Homecare acquired by Country Cousins Homecare Agencies
In August, more great news came our way as Trinity Homecare was acquired by Country Cousins Homecare Agencies Ltd. With CCHA Ltd owning two major introductory care agency brands in the UK, Patricia White’s and Country Cousins, the acquisition of Trinity Homecare has created an outstanding home care platform which offers a broad range of services.
Whilst it has been “business as usual” for Trinity Homecare, the acquisition has allowed our skilled staff across the businesses to join forces, sharing expertise and knowledge. With a greater selection of carers to match with client’s needs, the acquisition has already strengthened our capacity to deliver the same outstanding care, and to achieve our Mission “to enrich quality of life by providing heartfelt home care and support through life’s journeys.”
Spreading joy and hope – Keeping your loved ones entertained
To keep our clients entertained and our care workers’ spirits high, we put in place some very fun activities such as our Arts and Crafts challenge and Christmas card design competition. The activities bought so much joy, we will be continuing similar activities into the New Year, 2021.

In addition to this, Trinity Homecare was able to join clients in celebrating milestone birthdays, and anniversaries. Pat and Dennis’ 70th anniversary was a romantic story that bought us much warmth to all our hearts. TrinityCarer Joana also assisted in preparing a fantastic dinner date for them.

Then, we had TikToks created by the team at Trinity. There were some low points during 2020 but there were also highs.
Glowing reviews
Throughout 2020, Trinity Homecare continued to receive glowing reviews from both live-in and visiting clients. With hundreds of five-star reviews, we aim to continue providing a five-star service that is rated as “Oustanding” by the Care Quality Commission.
As we enter 2021, we are pleased to announce that we are now offering the vaccine to all care staff at Trinity Homecare. Director of Care Mel led by example and had the first dose of vaccination on the 30th December. She said:
“It was quick and easy. I’m excited that soon all of our TrinityCarers will all be vaccinated!”
Having staff at Trinity Homecare vaccinated against COVID-19 will allow us to continue providing a safe level of care for your loved ones.
Happy New Year!
We know how challenging 2020 has been for everyone and we have faith that 2021 will be an easier year for us all. We would like to wish everyone a very Happy and safe New Year.
If you or your loved one needs support in the new year, you can speak to a trusted member of the team who will be able to offer advice and guidance, as well as a free, non-obligatory quote.